Fieldhead Surgery Extension and Refurbishment – Update

Posted by: lisaboardman - Posted on:

We wanted to share our exciting news that on Friday 4th June we will temporarily be moving in to the new rear extension of the building whilst the existing building is refurbished.

That does mean that until the work is completed at the end of August, patients will need to access the surgery from the rear of the building on Back Clarence Road.

There will be signage on the front of the building to direct you. We will have an intercom system on the gate at the temporary entrance, please buzz the intercom and a member of our reception team will let you in.

There will be a post box on the front of the building should you just wish to drop in prescription requests or letters.

Here is a map showing the route you will need to take to access the building. Please note, there is no parking available on Back Clarence Road.