Clinics and Services

Clinics and Services

We provide a range of services and clinics.

All Services

Advocacy Services

Advocacy means helping another person to communicate their views and wishes. GPs often act as advocates for patients when dealing […]

Alcohol and Drug Services

Do I need help? Take the alcohol test is an excellent online tool which helps you work out if you’re at risk of alcohol-related problems and some simple things you can…

Annual Health Check

If you have one of the following conditions then you will be invited for an annual health check. Diabetes High blood pressure Kidney disease Heart disease Asthma Chronic bronchitis Rheumatoid…

Asthma Reviews

You can now complete your Asthma review online using the below link. To complete your Asthma Review please click here


Services available to help with bereavement Online For general advice about bereavement you might find the NHS choices article on bereavement useful. If you are looking for advice about dealing with the practical…

Child Health

Health visitors Our Health Visitor is Miriam Brear (based at Horsforth Clinic). Health Visitors are all trained nurses who have extra training and qualifications in child health. They are a fantastic source…

Diabetes Services

There are a number of services that can help you when it comes to looking after yourself if you have diabetes. Routine care The majority of people with diabetes are…


Health problems I have a query about medication I would like to see a GP Use this form to request an appointment with a GP Admin tasks Cancel appointment This…

End of Life Care

We work closely with other services to help support people and their families at this very difficult time. The local service Together as a team we work with individuals and…

Flu Vaccination Clinic

What is flu? Flu occurs every year, usually in the winter, which is why it is sometimes called seasonal flu. It is a very infectious disease that can come on…

Healthy Heart

Useful resources to help reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main cause of death in England. They caused almost 33% of deaths in…

Housebound and Older People

Clinical Care Co-ordinators As you get older the range of problems you face can grow, to the point where it might be difficult to cope, know what to do for…

Information for Carers

Who is a carer? Many carers are not known by their GP practice as there is confusion around how to define the term ‘carer’. A carer is a person of…

Maternity Services

Midwife A community midwife (Pauline Duffy is available at the practice. You can book an appointment with her via the reception desk. The role of the midwife A midwife is a qualified nurse…

Mental Health Services

There are a lot of services available to support people with mental health issues. All our doctors are trained to help people suffering from mental health problems. Making an appointment…

NHS Health Check

The NHS health check is a free health check-up for adults in England aged 40-74. You can find more information at the NHS health check. It aims to spot early signs…

Private Services

Some things are not covered by the NHS. Private Medical Services You may have to pay a fee for certain services that are not covered by the NHS. These fees…

Screening Services

Screening is a way of finding diseases and problems at an earlier stage in apparently healthy people when treatment will be more successful. The following screening services are offered as…

Sexual Health Service

The practice offers a full range of contraception services including coil fitting and referral for vasectomy.   Choice of contraception Deciding which is the best method can be difficult so…

Social Prescribing Service

The term ‘social prescribing’ is used to describe a service which supports people to access a range of non-medical services and activities in their local area.   Social prescribing can…

Stop Smoking Service

Giving up smoking is always beneficial to your health. Stopping smoking increases your life expectancy and helps improve your quality of life, not to mention making you wealthier as well!…

Weight Management

Do you need to lose weight? There are a number of online resources and local clinics that you can access without having to see your doctor for a referral. Not…