Smoking Ban

Smoking in all enclosed / indoor public places and workplaces in the UK is illegal.

Anyone caught smoking in a prohibited area is liable for a fine of £50 (£30 if paid within 15 days). Failure to pay would result in a fine of £200 and a criminal record.

Local Authority Environmental Health Departments are responsible for enforcing the smoking ban.

  • The Practice displays ‘No Smoking’ notices, which conform to the legislation.
  • Smoke alarms are fitted in public areas and toilets (to discourage illegal smoking)
  • Patients found smoking will be requested to leave. Where difficulties arise, the police will be called without delay and without challenging the offender further
  • Patients repeating the offence will be removed from the practice list

Electronic cigarettes must not be used on practice premises, as they emit a nicotine vapour

If you would like help to stop smoking you can find further information on our Stop smoking services page.